Cuando se trata de servicios de apostilla en Washington DC, lo tenemos cubierto. Nuestro equipo profesional entiende la importancia de la legalización oportuna de documentos. Ya sea que tenga documentos comerciales o de adopción, manejamos el proceso de apostilla de manera eficiente, permitiéndole continuar con sus esfuerzos internacionales sin problemas y sin esfuerzo.
Documentos originales
- Se acepta una apostilla del documento original.
- Se proporciona la firma apropiada.
- El documento original fue emitido recientemente.
- El país de destino acepta SÓLO apostillas del documento original.
- Usted comprende que una apostilla del original demora entre 5 y 10 días hábiles.
Deberá asegurarse de lo siguiente
- La Secretaría de Estado de Washington DC ubicada en Washington DC apostilla documentos públicos y privados si aplica lo siguiente:
- Los documentos de Washington DC fueron emitidos por uno de los siguientes:
- Washington, DC, los certificados de nacimiento, defunción y matrimonio tienen una firma original, no un sello ni copias.
- Recordatorios
- Birth and death certificates must be original from the District of Columbia. They must be on letter size (8.5”X11”) paper. If you need these original Birth Certificates or Death Certificates, contact the DC Department of Health. If you need these certificates from another jurisdiction, you must have them authenticated where they were issued.
Scanned Photocopy of Original Document
- Appropriate signature is NOT provided.
- Original document is damaged.
- Original document was issued over 10 years ago.
- Destination country ACCEPTS apostilles of the scanned photocopy of the original document; most countries do accept an apostille of the scanned photocopy.
- You need the apostille within 24 hours.
- For more information to request certified copies of original documents for Washington D.C. only, contact:
- Office of the Secretary
- 441 4th Street, NW Suite 810 South, Washington, D.C., 20002
- (202) 727-3117
You will need to make sure of the following:
- Because the notary and the apostille are required to be issued from the same state, the scanned photocopy of the original document that you provide will be notarized and apostilled in New York.
- For the purposes of authentication, marriage certificates and divorce decrees must be certified copies issued by the US Superior Court for the District of Columbia and have the triple seal. They may not be notarized.